630.613.9500 | 325 S. Main Street, Suite 1s Lombard, IL 60148 | Ample Parking & Entrance in Back
High End Hair Color

High End Hair Color

The Adored Signature Color is made for everyone! It is the most adaptable color we offer at Adored because it can be done on all hair colors and textures to achieve a variety of different end results. The Adored Signature Color is a great option for someone who wants...
Hair So Good It’s Scary!

Hair So Good It’s Scary!

Spooky Season is upon us and the biggest trend during the spooky season is red or copper hair! We want to share a couple of our favorite ways to get the most stunning reds this Fall. For a more impactful and rich copper or red hair we recommend getting a full foil...
Time to Freshen Up Your Color from the Summer Sun

Time to Freshen Up Your Color from the Summer Sun

The majority of us have been on vacation, in the sun, or in the water these last couple months. Unfortunately, all the fun things about summer, fade your hair color very quickly. The perfect tune up for your hair is the color/blonde refresh package. This consists of a...
Spice Up Your Hairline

Spice Up Your Hairline

With the warm weather hitting, lots of us will be rocking a pony tail. Make sure when you pull your hair up that your color pops! Be sure to add in a money piece and a gym piece at your next appointment. A money piece is when the hair that frames your face is...