630.613.9500 | 325 S. Main Street, Suite 1s Lombard, IL 60148 | Ample Parking & Entrance in Back

Introducing the Iles Formula scalp and body exfoliant and hair masque!

This brand new Iles spa scrub is one of a kind and the tried and true Iles hair mask always feels like luxury.

Using the combo of these products results in a rejuvenated clean scalp and strengthened, silky, and soft hair.


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We start the experience with the scalp exfoliant. This is not your average salt or sugar scrub, it is a scalp massage like no other. The exfoliant used is rice husk grain which gently unclogs pores and removes build up. Your scalp will be feeling clean and hydrated even before we use the hair mask.


Then onto the Iles formula hair mask. It is a true cocktail of nutrition for your hair. After the mask is applied you will sit under the hooded hair dryer so the heat can allow the mask to be fully penetrated into the hair. The heat helps infuse silk proteins, vitamins, and nut oils deep into the cuticle of the hair for a strengthened and silky effect.